You can travel through Germany from north to south using a number of motorail (accompanied car train) services. You will enjoy a comfortable journey and reach your destination in Southern Germany, Austria, Italy or neighbouring regions in comfort overnight. You can choose between different levels of comfort by making reservations for a couchette or a sleeper cabin.

Three motorail operators offer services in Germany. You can book tickets for their services on the following webpages:

The most important operator is Urlaubs-Express, while the Deutsche Bahn, Germany’s largest railway Company, is no longer offering any services. In 2024 the available services cover the following routes:

  • Hamburg – Munich; operator: Urlaubs-Express
  • Hamburg – Innsbruck (Tyrol); operator: Urlaubs-Express
  • Hamburg – Lörrach (German-Swiss border); operator: BTE, Urlaubs-Express
  • Hamburg – Villach; operator: Urlaubs-Express
  • Hamburg – Verona (Northern Italy); operator: Urlaubs-Express (cancelled)
  • Düsseldorf – Innsbruck (Tyrol); operator: Urlaubs-Express
  • Düsseldorf – Verona (Northern Italy); operator: Urlaubs-Express (cancelled)
  • Düsseldorf – Munich; operator: Urlaubs-Express
  • Düsseldorf – Villach; operator: Urlaubs-Express

Season of operation: The routes Hamburg to Munich, Hamburg to Innsbruck and Düsseldorf to Innsbruck operate in winter and summer with a break in between. All other routes only operate in high season in summer.

Your journey: If you travel from Scandinavia you should choose a motorail service operating from the station Hamburg-Altona. If you start your journey from the Netherlands and Belgium, services from Düsseldorf are much more convenient.

A tip for tourists with destinations in Slovenia or Croatia: Use the service to Villach station which is located only a few kilometres away from the Austrian-Slovenian border. From there you can quickly reach Istria and the Adriatic coast.

Please check the websites of the respective train operators Urlaubs-Express and BTE for further details. All websites are also available in English and you can book your tickets there directly.

Timetable for Urlaubs-Express 2024

All destinations during summer
Destinations during winter 2024/25